Network for Youth in Transition

2015 worldwide Internet, mobile and social media trends: get into 376 pages of data

In this year’s huge 376 page report, the social marketing agency details how the internet has changed in the last year in-depth. If you ever wanted a single place to get statistics from all around the world, this is it.

The company says that there are now half a billion more people online than in the last report, clocking in at 3 billion users and that half of the world is now using a mobile phone, with 185 million new unique users in the last twelve months.

The report also states that social media usage on mobile grew 23% in 2014. One slide in particular I found interesting was the slide below that breaks down internet, mobile and social media users by country. There’s a staggering amount of users in East Asia compared to other areas

Screen Shot 2015 01 21 at 5.11.57 pm 2015 worldwide Internet, mobile and social media trends: get into 376 pages of data

The slide deck offers a huge resource of statistics and offers a great amount of detail on trends around the world; if you’re a data nerd, this is for you.

Original Source: TNW Blog

Tags: 2015, Social Media data,, social media,, trends

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