As a continuation of CDA’s efforts for promoting Peace, Interfaith harmony, Intercultural dialogue, Democracy, Education, Human rights and Meaningful youth participation, CDA envisaged conducting “5th National Youth Peace Festival 2014” on 24th – 27th September 2014.
Like last year, the focus of this year’s NYPF, will also be to bridge the gaps between the young people living in far-flung areas with the mainstream national decision-making processes and providing them with the means to make change at their individual capacity in their respective communities. In this regard, CDA envisaged bringing more young people from conflict-affected areas, representatives of youth/women/minority-led civil society organizations, and inviting more law-makers from federal and provincial Governments so that these young people can voice their issues and present their recommendations concerning peace, democracy, education and their participation in decision-making processes.
For the very first time, a special emphasis has been given to the Education following the enactment of “Education Emergency” in some of the provinces and advocating for the same in other provinces.
The NYPF’14 will also provide the young people a platform to celebrate cultural and religious diversity, empower them with skills and tools needed to respect and recognize diversity, human rights, and promote education, entrepreneurship, and national integrity to make young people part of mainstream society as responsible and active citizens, playing their pivotal role for making Pakistan a democratic, educated, harmonized and peaceful place to live.
Before the 5th National Youth Peace Festival 2014, Chanan Development Association (CDA) will be organizing Provincial Youth Summits, i.e. I Am Karachi – Youth Peace Summit (Karachi from 12th – 14th August 2014), Baluchistan Youth Summit (Quetta – September 2014), FATA/KP Youth Summit (Peshawar – September 2014) and South Punjab Youth Summit (Multan – September 2014).
The overall theme of the 5th National Youth Peace Festival (NYPF) 2014 will be “PAKISTAN VOWS FOR DEMOCRACY, EDUCATION & PEACE!”, while the sub-themes of the NYPF’14 will be;
There are five major objectives of the 5th NYPF 2014, i.e. to
Tags: "Peace, Festival, Pakistan, democracy, diversity, education
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